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Parliamentary bodies dealing with gender equality :
Committee on Cabinet

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Sangiin
Date of creation The Committee was created on 11 October 1948 through legislative means (revision of the Diet Law)
Last renewal date N/A
Membership Members of standing committees shall be appointed by the House at the beginning of a session (The Diet Law, Article 42). In practice, members of all committees are allocated to each political group depending on its size, and political groups nominate members. The President of the House appoints those nominated by political groups. The chairperson of each standing committee shall be elected in the House from among the members of the committee (The Diet Law, Article 25). In practice, the chair of each standing committee is allocated to political groups which have a certain number of members, depending on their size, and the political groups nominate chairpersons. The President of the House appoints chairpersons as nominated by political groups. Members of standing committees shall hold their membership until their term of office as members of their House expires (6 years) (The Diet Law, Article 42). However, in practice, members often switch their membership with other committee members. The Committee is composed of 20 members. Composition by sex: 15 men (75%), 5 women (25%)
Working methods
Relations with other parliamentary bodies
Relations with external bodies
Subjects dealt with The Committee on Cabinet frequently takes up the issues concerning the realization of the work-life balance for the establishment of a gender equality society and the advancement of the empowerment of women. In 2015, the bill on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace was deliberated in the committee. At the end of 2015, the Government stipulated the fourth Basic Plan for Gender Equality. The Committee also took up this plan during its question-and-answer sessions with government representatives in 2016. No reports in particular have been issued recently.
Main address Committee on Cabinet
Secretariat of the House of Councillors
1-7-1 Nagata-cho
Tokyo 100-8961
Phone + 81 3 3581 3111
Fax + 81 3 5512 3895
E-mail IntlCon@sangiin-sk.go.jp
Website http://www.sangiin.go.jp/japanese/joho1/kousei/eng/committ/list/l0063e.htm
Name Mr. Shoji Namba
Notes Chairperson

Information on this page was last updated on 15 August 2016
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